Monday, February 28, 2011

Losing your concentration or focus at work?

10 tips on how to improve your concentration at work:

1. Defend your workspace
Hang a sign at your workstation or office asking not to be disturbed while you are working on a project.

2. Eliminate distractions
Wear headphones. Transfer your phone. Turn off your BlackBerry. Turn your office chair to the window (if you have one).

3. Have a drink
No, nothing alcoholic. While you're working, drink plenty of water. Why? When you are even mildly dehydrated you can feel less able to concentrate.

4. Take breaks
Go for a short walk. Take a coffee or a tea break.

5. Uni-task
Focus on one thing to the exclusion of all else. To improve your concentration, stop trying to do several things at once.

6. Meditate
A daily period of meditation allows you to work on concentration techniques.

7. Eat well and exercise
Good physical health and fitness will definitely help develop our powers of concentration.

8. Take a nap (preferably, not at the office)
Studies show that naps as short as a few minutes long can improve concentration.

9. Time for a Mars bar
Researchers say that micronutrients found in chocolate can improve concentration.

10. Make yourself comfortable
Before you begin a task — brew a cup of coffee, satisfy your hunger, go to the LBR or LGR.

Yaniv M. Benzimra, Ph.D.
Leaman Long, B.A., B.Ed.
Y2 Consulting Psychologists

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1 comment :

pink and mint xo said...

Great blog, I enjoyed reading it

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